Penis pumps have been marketed as a way to increase the size of the penis, but do they actually work? Can they make you bigger? The short answer is that they can temporarily increase the size of the penis and if used frequently and consistently they can help you grow your penis naturally.
Penis pumps work by creating a vacuum around the penis, which causes an increase in blood flow to the penis. This increased blood flow causes the penis to become erect, and can make it appear larger. However, once the vacuum is released and the blood flow returns to normal, the penis will return to its original size. If you use penis pumps consistently they can make your penis bigger. You can compare it to working out at the gym. First you will get short-term results and after a while you will get long-term results.
It is important to note that overuse of a penis pump can cause injury to the penis. This can include bruising, soreness, and even tissue damage. It is important to use a penis pump as directed by the manufacturer and to consult with a doctor before using one.
We recommend using your penis pump 4x week, 20 minute session with a break in between. Always use your penis pump according to your personal comfort. You should feel the pressure but it should not hurt.
Additionally, it is important to understand that the size of the penis is not the only factor in sexual pleasure or satisfaction for either partner. Factors such as communication, intimacy, and sexual technique are just as important, if not more so.
It is important to use them as directed and to consult with a doctor before using one. Additionally, the size of the penis is not the only factor in sexual pleasure or satisfaction.